Barcode Scanners
Vitesse de lecture incroyable de 400 scans/s pour cette douchette filaire codes barres 1D imageur linéaire Datalogic Quickscan QW2100. Le plus produit : le support est inclus !
The shower QD2430 from DATALOGIC is a combined 2 an interesting and a very competitive price: it can read the bar codes 1 d and 2D, on cell phone or loyalty cards.
This scanner 1 d Datalogic is an excellent compromise between reading performance and reduced stencil. The barcode reader GFS4100 can read at a speed of 320 scans/s.
The scanner GFS4400 is the equivalent of the GFS4100 but that can read 2D codes. This barcode reader DATALOGIC is an excellent compromise between reading performance and reduced stencil.
The GBT4130 is a scanner bluetooth Mark linear imager DATALOGIC with a range of 30 m. This hand shower can read bar codes at a speed of 325 scans/s.
The shower QM2400 of DATALOGIC allows to read 2D barcodes at a very affordable price! Provided with the home station
The 2300H is a horizontal, omnidirectional, ideal body scanner for small shops. This DATALOGIC barcode scanner has a speed of reading of 100 scans/s
The 2300H is a horizontal, omnidirectional, ideal body scanner for small shops. This DATALOGIC barcode scanner has a speed of reading of 100 scans/s